Next Tuesday, while in Kigali, the president will sign a bilateral investment treaty with Rwanda. 下星期二,布什总统将在基加利同卢旺达政府签订双边投资协定。
China and the UK will establish Consulates General in Belfast and Wuhan respectively, and both sides will provide assistance to each other in this regard. Both sides agreed to jointly push forward negotiations on the bilateral consular treaty. 二十一、英方将在武汉、中方将在贝尔法斯特开设总领馆,双方同意共同推动双边领事条约的商谈。
We still have a lot of work to do on a wide range of issues, including the civil nuclear cooperation, a bilateral investment treaty, policies protecting innovation. 我们在诸多问题上仍有大量工作要做,包括民用核合作、一项双边投资协定以及保护创新的政策。
Model bilateral treaty for the return of stolen or embezzled vehicles; 送还被窃或被盗用车辆双边示范条约;
Both sides will expedite negotiation on a bilateral investment treaty. 双方将加快一项双边投资协议的谈判。
The economic interests of an Aspatrian national – namely, MDR Limited – have been irreparably harmed by this violation of the bilateral investment treaty. 做为一个阿斯佩特利亚企业,MDR有限公司的经济利益因他方违反了双边投资条约而受到了无法弥补的伤害。
The US and China were poised yesterday to announce plans for talks on a bilateral investment treaty at the close of two days of high-level meetings in Annapolis, Maryland. 为期两天的美中高层会晤将在美国马里兰州的安纳波利斯结束,两国昨日在准备宣布有关双边投资协议的谈判计划。
China and Canada signed a bilateral investment treaty on Wednesday. 中国和加拿大周三签署了《中加投资保护协定》。
He said he hoped the bilateral treaty could be reactivated in "a new Libya," one without Colonel Qaddafi. 他说他希望双边协定可以在新的、没有卡扎菲上校的利比亚重新生效。
Most likely, a new bilateral treaty will be needed for the FDA to operate effectively in China. 美国最好能够签订一项新的双边条约,以便美国食品和药物管理局在中国实现有效运作。
The US and China have agreed to accelerate talks on a bilateral investment treaty amid concern in Beijing that the Chinese are being blocked from buying into US companies and assets. 美中两国已同意加快双边投资协定的谈判进程。目前,北京担心中方正被挡在收购美国企业和资产的大门之外。
Investment treatment is the key figure in the Bilateral Investment Treaty, of which national treatment is considered as a necessary part. 投资待遇是其中的价值原点和核心问题,而国民待遇又是投资待遇中不可缺少的一部分。
The next step in the pursuit of mutual prosperity is a U.S.-India bilateral investment treaty, which would enhance transparency, boost innovation, and create jobs. 寻求共同繁荣的下一步骤是达成一项美印双边投资协议,这将有助于增强透明度,促进创新,增加就业机会。
Bilateral Investment Treaty ( BIT) is a bilateral agreement signed by two countries and aims to promote and protect investments between them. 内容提要双边投资协定是两国政府签署的双边协议,目的是促进和保护相互之间的投资。
Bilateral Investment Treaty ( BIT) is one of the main types of international investment agreements, and has seen substantial development since 1990's. 双边投资协定作为国际投资协定的主要形式之一,自20世纪90年代以来取得了长足的发展。
Bilateral Investment Treaty is the agreement form that is most widely used in international investment field to date. 目前,双边投资协定是国际上应用最为广泛的关于国际投资的协议形式。
Second, conclude the bilateral investment Treaty. 二是缔结双边投资保证协定。
As a bilateral treaty, both China and Japan should perform the Sino-Japan United Declaration according to the principle of'Pacta Sunt Servanda '. 《中日联合声明》是一个双边条约,中日双方都必须根据“约定必须遵守”原则履行该约。
Secondly I will focus on the development of Bilateral Investment Treaties since its naissance, and take the KJ Bilateral Treaty and JV Bilateral Treaty which can represent the latest innovation of Bilateral Investment Treaties as examples to research the latest development of Bilateral Investment Treaties; 然后重点讨论双边投资协定自诞生以来的发展状况,并以在协定内容上有最新突破的、比较有代表性的韩日、日越双边投资协定为例,研究双边投资协定的最新进展;
The international investment regulation are largely in the form of bilateral treaty. 双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaty下文简称BIT)是国际投资法制的最主要表现形式,其重要性不言而喻。
As for the treatment for those foreign investment, developing countries should make promises cautiously in the bilateral investment protection treaty according to their practical conditions in the development of economy. 就外资待遇而言,发展中国家应根据其经济发展的实际情况在双边投资保护条约中慎重承诺。
Meanwhile, this thesis gives some advice on the amendment or the signing of a new bilateral investment treaty in the future. 同时,尝试为中国今后修改或签订双边投资条约提出一些建议。
This paper points out that the national sovereignty and national interest are the starting point and destination, and emphatically introduces geographical range and whether or not to sign bilateral assistance treaty as the standard of two kinds of criminal judicial assistance classification standard. 本文指出国家主权和利益是刑事司法协助的出发点和归宿,并且重点介绍了以地域范围和是否签订双边刑事司法协助条约为标准的两种分类方法。
The second section talks about the legislation of indirect expropriation in China, however, there is little legislation about them, to some extent, and they mainly consist of bilateral investment treaty and other treaties. 第二节是我国有关间接征收的立法,国内法上关于间接征收的立法不多,主要是在我国同他国缔结的双边投资条约或其他协定中。
Generally international tax coordination starts from bilateral tax treaty but regional tax coordination starts from customs union and free-trade areas which difference is whether there is a flat tax rate. 一般认为,传统意义上的国际税收协调始于双边税收协定(条约),而区域性税收协调则始于关税同盟或自由贸易区。
Simultaneously studies in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization existing about the terrorism crime extradition content and the correlation international convention, the bilateral treaty, and unifies Chinese and the Kazakhstan successful extradition case carries on the analysis. 同时研究上海合作组织中已有的关于恐怖主义犯罪引渡的内容和相关的国际公约、双边条约,并结合中国与哈萨克斯坦成功的引渡案例进行分析。
At the same time, China and other SCO member states have increasingly obvious shortcomings on the bilateral treaty on judicial assistance, and that could be improved. Aim of this paper is to build up the system of judicial assistance in civil matters in the SCO framework. 与此同时,我国与上合组织其他成员国缔结的双边司法协助条约缺陷日益显现,有待改进。
It analyzes the realization of National treatment in international law from Bilateral Investment Treaty and Multilateral Agreement on Investment. Then it discusses the enlightenment for our country in the stage of the admission of foreign investment. 本章主要从双边投资协定及多边投资协定的角度对外资准入时期国民待遇在国际法上的体现进行讨论,分析对我国外资准入时期国民待遇的启发。
Articles of the treatment of foreign investment are an important part of a bilateral investment treaty. 投资待遇条款是双边投资条约的核心组成部分之一。
This paper holds that the preferable solution to legal issues in the Arctic is a bilateral treaty between countries in the short term. 文章认为,短期而言处理北极法律问题的可取方法是国家间双边条约。